
Fairphone: digitale sociale innovatie

Internet speelt in ons dagelijks leven een meer dan cruciale rol als het gaat om werken, ontspannen en onze relatie tot elkaar. Ook in de sociale innovatie spelen digitale snufjes en online tools een steeds grotere rol, zogenoemd: digitale sociale inno..

Gepubliceerd op 17 maart 2014

Internet speelt in ons dagelijks leven een meer dan cruciale rol als het gaat om werken, ontspannen en onze relatie tot elkaar. Ook in de sociale innovatie spelen digitale snufjes en online tools een steeds grotere rol, zogenoemd: digitale sociale innovatie.


What is digital social innovation?
The internet is playing an ever-increasing role in how we work, play and relate to each other. As a natural result of this, many of the most exciting new innovations that enable people to collaborate to address societal challenges are being developed online. At Nesta we call this activity digital social innovation (DSI) and it includes a diverse set of services, entrepreneurs and organisations.

However, while DSI has been around since the birth of the web (and, in fact, fits the internet's original ethos of social good), there is little collected public knowledge on what best practice looks like, how networks of innovators might work together in order to understand its potential impact, and what policies might best help to encourage a greater use of the internet for social good.

We are currently leading a large research project funded by the European Commission to explore how we can better understand the potential in DSI and support more of it to happen.

So, with that in mind, here are 10 innovative people that are driving some of the most exciting digital social innovations:

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