Stefan Panhuijsen

Pronouns: he/him

Stefan is one of the directors at Social Enterprise NL. He is mainly concerned with the agenda towards the government, setting up new projects and of course the podcast System on the Shovel. In addition, Stefan likes to look across borders on behalf of Social Enterprise NL, including as a member of the expertgroup GECES of the European Commission and of the Board of Euclid Network.

You will recognize Stefan by:

... his trusty Roetz-Bike, Fairphone and Mud Jeans. Always completely in social enterprise gear. He still likes to talk to himself sometimes, too, but that doesn't surprise anyone in the office anymore.


If Stefan could choose a superpower he would love to be able to fly like Superman, in order to reach all of social entrepreneurial Holland and everyone involved super fast.

Likes social enterprise in addition to:

... Ajax, watching series, reading good books and going on adventures with his family.