Pepper Wering

Pronouns: she/her
Pepper works as a communications manager on, well, everything that has to do with communications! Think of the posts you see on socials, newsletters in your inbox and articles on the website. She also likes to work on the strategy and innovation for the communications of Social Enterprise NL.
You recognize Pepper by:
…haar pittige karakter (duh), dansjes achter haar bureau, een af en toe een wat Rotterdams accent en haar obsessie met popcorn.
If Pepper had a superpower it would be: to magically remove prejudices, because she believes that people would be a lot nicer to each other and then there would be less inequality/war in the world.
Likes social enterprise in addition to:
…reading and writing novels, listening to music 120,000 minutes a year, enjoying delicious meals with loved ones either at home or out and trying to lift more than 100 kilos with her legs.