Jorien van Lookeren Campagne

Pronouns: she/her
Jorien is our lobbyist. But then #lobbyforimpact. She likes to work for a (perfect) collaboration between social entrepreneurs and government organizations. Varying from collaboration between entrepreneurs in the neighborhood and the municipality, to policy influencing in The Hague.
You recognize Jorien by:
A sit-stand desk! With a crank at the desk, she changes several times during the day: standing Teams, sitting down to go through documents and everything in between. Jorien likes to travel the country and switches between civil servants and entrepreneurs. Always looking for connections.
If Jorien could choose a superpower, she would want us to have as a natural reaction to consider the perspective of the other. Thinking together can open many doors.
Likes social enterprise in addition to:
Fresh air. Whether it's in Amsterdam East through the park, with a cup of coffee on the balcony in the sun, or during a mountain hike in the Austrian Alps, Jorien loves to experience the seasons outside.